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NTC Environmental Contribution Award 2021 goes to Dr Susan Millington


The Newbury Town Council 2021 Award for Environmental Contributions locally has been awarded to our head organiser Susan Millington for her fantastic work setting up the Lockdown Woods Project in West Berkshire.

She was presented with the custom made, wood-turned award on a cold April day outside the town hall by current Mayor, Elizabeth O'Keefe. Elizabeth had also joined us for our previous planting day at Goldwell Park in December, last year. This ceremony would normally have taken place within the council chamber but due to COVID-19 restrictions, nominees were instead invited, one by one, to brave the elements to receive their award. The Environmental Award for 2020 was awarded to Marion Fen for her work on green education in school allotments.

This is fantastic and well-deserved recognition for the organisation of a great local environmental project. Keep up the good work Susan and grab a cup of tea and relax!

Read further coverage over at the Newbury Town Council website

and at lovely Penny Post.


Jun 10, 2021

Very Happy to see this Susan

Nuhu (Silsoe 1980-83)


Shaun Leahy
Shaun Leahy
May 26, 2021

Highly deserved award. How is a piece of dead tree relevant?😉

Olivia Lockyear
Olivia Lockyear
Jun 01, 2021
Replying to

Very true, they should give out live plants perhaps instead!!

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