From the 1st of August, residents over the Hampshire border will no longer be able to use the recycling centre at Newtown Road, due to increased charges from the West Berkshire Council for Hampshire. Instead, residents must drive to either Basingstoke or Andover, a round trip of 25-30 miles.

Friends of the Earth Newbury are concerned that this move will:
1) Significantly reduce recycling effort from residents
2) Increase incidences of fly tipping (each call out costing on average £800)
3) Increase incidences of rubbish bonfires.
We need to take direct action to oppose the unpopular decision immediately! If you would like to take part in our protest please get in touch!
* Update 20/8/20
Following intense lobbying by Friends of the Earth and local residents of local councillors, County Councillors and the MP, Basingstoke & Deane (B&D) Council have generously contributed half the cost of running the Newtown Road site for the next 12 months. This will allow local residents across the border in Hampshire access to the West Berkshire facility. Over the next 12 months B&D Council will create a new facility within its catchment area to provide for their local residents after 2021.
Basingstoke & Deane local resident, Adrian Foster-Fletcher said, “The Government should have a national strategy for recycling, which would include access to the most local site for any resident. We now have the nonsensical situation of pouring concrete to create another facility when there is already a perfectly good one in place.”